Tuesday 20 October 2009

Hull Bootcamp goes Mobile!

Last night we rocked the Mens Strength and Conditioning Bootcamp, as it went seriously mobile!

It went down in the Humber Bridge car park, right outside Mrs. B's Cafe

The boys showed Stu what it feels like to go on Holiday and then hit it hard with some Bootcamp Conditioning! ( I know what that feels like).

Some 80-yard sled drags came out and there were some jelly legs out there! We were getting some funny looks from the joggers - but hey, if you could exercise slow and long for like 10 hours a week, or tear it up for 45-50 mins a few times a week - which would you choose? Not to mention the strength and fat loss benefits of resistance training involved in Bootcamp.

Monday Morning Ladies Bootcamp
Yesterday Morning, the first of many Ladies Monday morning Bootcamps went down at the St.Josephs church hall, and the newbies I think were surprised at how much work you can get done without 'cardio' or super light weights done like a zillion times. That reminds me.........look out for the limitations of Bodypump article coming soon ;)

Roll on next week for part 2 same place same time!

The evening Bootcamps on Mon the 26th will be back in St.Josephs church hall - Mens at 6pm. Womens at 7pm. Be sure to bring a friend.....50% off their first Bootcamp!

Il hear from you soon...............email me here or call on 07762772671


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