Thursday 24 September 2009

R.I.P. Bodypump / Personal trainer weight loss focus

Yes its official, yesterday I taught Bodypump for effectively the last time (or at best for a long long while).

I did feel bad at first quitting teaching this popular class, but sometimes you 've just got to do the right thing.....Coming soon is an article that will let you find out the training reasons why I have stopped teaching it, and how this might affect your training methods. The article will really make you think about whether it is a good class long-term, as the benefits really do stall out after a couple of months. Keep a look-out for it around the 10th October ;) .

On the business side of things, I quit teaching because it doesn't pay that well, and also when you take into account the amount of work that goes into learning the songs, choreography, exercises really does sap your energy and reduce time helping clients. Throw in the cds and music license you have to buy, classes you have to attend, and it comes down to no choice at all! So there are my reasons, (along with the future training-related article) because I know a few were unhappy about me stopping. I have had some good times in the 3 and a half years teaching it, and had a few laughs too!

If you were in a class of mine and liked my style, some of you may know about the bootcamps I have been running. If there is demand, I will try to run a 9.30am class - as I know this is a good time for many women.

I will see if I get emails to get one going! A regular 5-6+ people attending and will make for a permanent fat loss circuit.


I go away to Portugal soon (woop woop!) and therefore Personal training sessions and Bootcamps will obviously be on hold temporarily. I am actually going to look forward to easing into training rather than having to teach a pump class and not being able to walk for 3 days!


Monday is now Bootcamp day!
The mens Thursday night session is now going to run on a Monday at 6pm.

Womens will also change to to a Monday night at 7pm. Both sessions are going to be held at St. Josephs church on Boothferry Road. I am expecting quite a few new faces as I am hearing the benefits - namely tighter glutes, thighs and arms from the women, and greater overall strength and intensity from the men.

Hope to see you soon!

PS Keep training hard, and trying to progress - something that Bodypump fails to look at....


james said...

Hi, its James (Body pump instructor)hehehehehe. just read your article & some of it i agree with but i feel pump shouldnt be victimised. your right - it does take a lot of time, money & commitment to teach but i feel that reaching & helping 20 people in 1hr is better than just a few. Ive been to your bootcamps & they are great & would deffinatelty reccomend them to anyone who wants an alternative way to train. Pump gives amazing results but like any other workout can platau with time. I think we all would agree that passion & hard work delivers results no matter what our training type.



Unknown said...

Alright James, Respect to you for helping all those trying to progress! Helping those 20 people is great stuff - However I do still feel if people are not progressing (e.g decreasing bodyfat, getting stronger, faster, etc) they should re-think what they are doing. They should be measuring their progress - not just working harder.

Train and think smarter.....if something is not working = try something else! If it's working, keep doing it!


PS I am not trying to victimise pump or anything else for that matter - I am just trying to make people more aware of their choices that affect their results :)