Monday 3 August 2009

Is The Hull Bootcamp For You?

The Hull Bootcamp on Saturday was again filled with a ton (bodyweight sled pun anyone?!!) of effort, mixing some walking lunges, pull ups, with the the usual carrying stations and more.

Some figure-of-8's went down a treat! We will have to make them more regular than I have been doing :) .

What disappointed me a little was that some guys had put their name down to mix it up, but then didn't show. One guy did let me know just before due to illness, but for the 3 that were no shows - I couldn't help but think what the excuses were.

Was it the raining the night before? A few people at the Village Gym where I am mainly based said on the Friday that it forecast heavy rain and asked would it go ahead.

Eh? What do you mean? Of course the Bootcamp is going ahead! Has everyone turned to being a pansie in their cushty, air conditioned, £45+ a month gym?

The weather does not dictate your life.

You make your decisions and stick to your beliefs. This highlighted a major factor - and probably the most underated factor when it comes to making a positive change to your lifestyle:


Your attitude is what will get you out of bed on those winter mornings where its p*ssing down outside and the warmth of your bed is just heavenly. Your attitude is what will get you up out of your seat after you have come in from work and sat down (ever wonder every same person has the same idea of doing their exercise straight after work? Yes, its often because its on the way and it time-effective; But very often, It is the fact than once you have come in from work, had a sit down, and know that you don't 'have' to get up - you won't!

On a side note, the best Strength and Conditioning Bootcamp in Hull is not for everyone.

If you can't handle the rain - then this is not for you. If you can't handle getting dirt on your new T-shirt - this is not for you. If you find the recline bike too much like hard work, This Bootcamp is not for you!

"I actually lift weights but I'm getting paid to model for this piece of equipment that I've never even used"

Once you work out what you actually want in terms of body shape, strength, work capacity and overall fitness, you can make your choice what to do with your time. It is your choice.

Email John here or call/text him on 07762772671 to book your place on the Strength and Conditioning Bootcamp.

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